For those who are native-born, and for those drawn to the sceptr’d isle from overseas, England is the green, rich, settled, generous land. This image, celebrated and reinforced by poetry over centuries, has taken on the power of myth. In this anthology, renowned poets such as Wordsworth, Lawrence and Blake sit alongside less prestigious names in presenting timeless visions of England and Englishness: rolling hills, military triumph and defeat, the bustling streets of London and an obsession with the weather.
  • Author: Hunter-McMorland, Jane
  • Publisher: BT Batsford
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 13/07/2017
  • ISBN: 9781849944595
  • B-Code: B030567
  • Illustrated: Illustrations
  • Pages: 176
  • Dimensions: 192x136mm