‘The curious propensity for propounding puzzles is not peculiar to any race or any period of history. It is simply innate, though it is always showing itself in different forms; whether the individual be a Sphinx of Egypt, a Samson of Hebrew lore, an Indian fakir, a Chinese philosopher, a mahatma of Tibet, or a European mathematician makes little difference.’ (Henry E. Dudeney, English mathematician and puzzler). So put your phone away, get your pen out, and puzzle happily away in a diversion as old as humanity.
  • Author: Arcturus Publishing
  • Publisher: Arcturus Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 15/05/2017
  • ISBN: 9781784286200
  • B-Code: B030215
  • Pages: 160
  • Dimensions: 215x175mm