A timely book on table manners and dining etiquette, from a true expert in the field. Covers everything from napkin folding, cutlery, glasses, bread rolls (never use a knife!) and silver service, to how to eat soup, spaghetti, escargots and artichokes, and open a bottle of champagne. With diagrams for those tricky manoeuvres and a range of tips and hints, the book will ensure that you and your family never let the side down whatever the company you keep while dining.
  • Author: Clayton, Nicholas
  • Publisher: BT Batsford
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 24/06/2016
  • ISBN: 9781849943680
  • B-Code: B024035
  • Illustrated: 30 illustrations
  • Pages: 144
  • Dimensions: 188x117mm