Walk into any Western museum today and you will see the curated spoils of Empire. They sit behind plate glass: dignified, tastefully lit. Accompanying pieces of card offer a name, date and place of origin. They do not mention that the objects are all stolen. Few artefacts embody this history of rapacious and extractive colonialism better than the Benin Bronzes - a collection of thousands of metal plaques and sculptures depicting the history of the Royal Court of the Obas of Benin City, Nigeria. The Brutish Museums sits at the heart of a heated debate about cultural restitution, repatriation and the decolonisation of museums.
  • Author: Hicks, Dan
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 20/10/2021
  • ISBN: 9780745346229
  • B-Code: B063887
  • Pages: 368
  • Dimensions: 198x129mm