There is a young fellow named Mick,/ Who's adapted the old limerick/ To cover, with mirth/ The whole history of Earth/ And what made its characters tick. Mick Twister has cleverly raided dusty tomes and picked at the bones of the world's greatest figures, moments and events and condensed the most complex of human activities into rib-tickling lines for your amusement. From a geezer called Caesar to What a Load of Bankers (about the financial crisis), this is the funniest way to learn about the past.
  • Author: Twister, Mick
  • Publisher: Pitkin
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 22/04/2022
  • ISBN: 9781841659404
  • B-Code: B061564
  • Illustrated: Colour illustrations
  • Pages: 128
  • Dimensions: 160x125mm