Step back in time to Ancient Rome and meet some of the many people who lived, worked, and played during that time. From a young slave boy to a fierce gladiator, a musician to a wealthy lady, and a mosaic artist to the emperor himself - each one will share with you the story of their own daily life. Featuring 19 different characters from Roman times, as well as an introduction to the Roman world, a map of the empire and a timeline of key events, this book provides a new angle on a classic subject, bringing the ancient world to life.
  • Author: Long, David
  • Publisher: Welbeck Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 12/05/2022
  • ISBN: 9781783127108
  • B-Code: B060230
  • Illustrated: colour illustrations
  • Pages: 48
  • Dimensions: 250x216mm