Red kites were once Britain’s most common bird of prey. By the early 1900s, they had been wiped out. When some reintroduced kites began roosting on their 1,400-acre farm in Perthshire, Tom Bowser's parents decided to turn their estate into a safe haven. They began feeding the birds and invited the public to meet them and learn about them. For Tom himself, ill-at-ease with the values of traditional livestock farming, the project sparked a return to the farm after a career in journalism, and a desire to dedicate his family's land to conservation.
  • Author: Bowser, Tom
  • Publisher: Birlinn Ltd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 03/06/2021
  • ISBN: 9781780276502
  • B-Code: B055538
  • Illustrated: 8 colour plates
  • Pages: 240
  • Dimensions: 234x156mm