The life-giving Sun has been worshipped since time immemorial and was used by the ancients to predict events. With these 84 beautifully illustrated cards and comprehensive guidebook, you too can follow the Sun's path and use its light to help guide your life. Discover the meanings of the planets in the twelve astrological houses and zodiac signs, apply quick and easy reading methods for a range of consultation levels, and even receive a year-long astrological forecast. By shuffling the deck and selecting cards, you will find guidance on any question.
  • Author: Smith, Caroline & Astrop, John
  • Publisher: Red Feather
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 28/02/2019
  • ISBN: 9780764357152
  • B-Code: B053223
  • Illustrated: Illustrated
  • Pages: 144
  • Dimensions: 184x139mm