Explore the significance of the home library, with this gorgeous volume which is about storytelling beyond the pages of our favourite reads. Our books - the ones we choose to keep - tell the story of who we are and they remind us who we once were and who we aspire to be. You will never look at your bookshelves the same way again after learning about the vision the curation and design experts at Juniper Books. Instructive chapters provide useful details for creating and curating one's own home library, whether it be a single shelf or multiple rooms each with their own collection.
  • Author: Wine, Thatcher & Lane, Elizabeth
  • Publisher: Publishers Group UK
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 03/09/2019
  • ISBN: 9781423652151
  • B-Code: B052118
  • Illustrated: colour photos
  • Pages: 272
  • Dimensions: 305x229mm