Contrary to what is often believed, good food was valued highly in the Middle Ages with fresh and preserved fish, meat, fruit and vegetables transported great distances to grace dining tables across Europe. This is a richly illustrated history of medieval food and cookery in Western Europe and Scandinavia and also a practical cookbook, with a collection of more than 60 originally sourced recipes that can easily be prepared in today's modern home. The text is accompanied by many fine paintings and drawings, which help to evoke the atmosphere in the dining rooms and kitchens, of both rich and poor, some 600 years ago.
  • Author: Klemetilla, Hannele
  • Publisher: Reaktion Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 01/05/2012
  • ISBN: 9781861899088
  • B-Code: B041365
  • Pages: 256
  • Dimensions: 250x190mm