Universal ingredients can offer the simplest yet most satisfying meals in the world - like the humble onion in the incarnations of Lebanese Caramelized Onions, American Buttermilk Fried Onion Rings, and French Onion and Bacon Tart. Similarly, chillies can be used in recipes from Hungary, India, Mexico and China. Surprises abound in this vast recipe collection, over half of which are vegetarian or vegetable-based, such as the scores of suggestions which morph leftovers into dishes every bit as delicious as the meal in which they originally appeared.
  • Author: Tanis, David
  • Publisher: Workman Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 13/10/2017
  • ISBN: 9781579656287
  • B-Code: B041154
  • Illustrated: Colour images
  • Pages: 480
  • Dimensions: 254x196mm