Animals are allies for our souls and act as our teachers and sacred healers - but our disconnected way of life often blinds us to this truth. Now, our world is poised for a shift as we begin to hear a call to renew our sacred connection to all that is - and this card deck is where we begin to answer it. Each animal, two- or four-legged, feathered or finned, from water, earth or sky, carries a transcendent archetypal symbolism and offers a message of enduring truth.
  • Author: Baron-Reid, Colette
  • Publisher: Hay House
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 02/10/2018
  • ISBN: 9781401952792
  • B-Code: B039225
  • Illustrated: Colour illustrations
  • Pages: 68
  • Dimensions: 133x102mm