Using simple techniques, two Tuscan woodworkers teach you how to make 20 beautiful wood objects for the home. From an egg cup made from a reclaimed beam and broom handle to a chopping board featuring a hand-carved "butterfly" - an old trick for stabilising a crack - here are approachable carpentry projects that don't require complicated tools, and are suitable for all levels of expertise - even the complete beginner. The accessible step-by-step instructions are accompanied by stunning location photography.
  • Author: Brugi, Andrea & Langholz, Samina
  • Publisher: Aurum Press Quarto
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 22/03/2018
  • ISBN: 9781911127376
  • B-Code: B035563
  • Illustrated: 200 colour illustrations
  • Pages: 144
  • Dimensions: 250x210mm