Trees sleep at night. Google searches for 'How to put on a condom' peak at 10.28pm. There is no word for time in any Aboriginal language. Scotland has 421 words for snow. Emoji is the fastest growing language in history. Astronauts wear belts to stop their trousers falling up. Tanks are exempt from London's Congestion charge. The anti-spam industry is worth more than the spam industry. Florida has more bear hunters than bears. Selfies kill more people than sharks. [Much more of this - Ed.]
  • Author: Lloyd, John et al.
  • Publisher: Faber & Faber
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 07/06/2018
  • ISBN: 9780571332472
  • B-Code: B035444
  • Pages: 368
  • Dimensions: 170x105mm