Perfect for fans of Norwegian Wood who have learned the art of log stacking, this is a fascinating guide to the art of mastering fire. Daniel Hume, an instructor at Ray Mears' Woodlore School of Wilderness Bushcraft, shows how fire has the ability to amaze, energise and touch something deep inside all of us and explains how it plays a central role in all of our lives. The ability to accurately and quickly light a fire is one of the most important skills anyone setting off on a wilderness adventure could possess, yet very little has been written about it. Through his narrative Hume also meditates on the wider topics surrounding fire and how it shapes the world around us.
  • Author: Hume, Daniel
  • Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 02/11/2017
  • ISBN: 9781780897660
  • B-Code: B032643
  • Pages: 224
  • Dimensions: 240x159mm