Scott reinvented the Borders in a sweep of chivalric romance. In reality, the border feuds were pursued with savagery by families in England and Scotland. They continued their ‘feids’ or vendettas for decades, creating a dizzying maze of interlocking enmities. This new book weighs the evidence from a plethora of sources to provide a compelling history of border warfare. The late, great George Macdonald Fraser once remarked that the borderers were free in a way we can never imagine. He was right.
  • Author: Sadler, John
  • Publisher: Whittles Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 28/04/2023
  • ISBN: 9781849955423
  • B-Code: B065763
  • Illustrated: 20 colour photos
  • Pages: 268
  • Dimensions: 234x156mm