Filled with bright, playful, illustrations and wonderful mottoes, definitions and jokes, this title celebrates the obsessive love which distinguishes a book nerd from the average reader. Someone who belongs to more than one library and has a minimum of five books on their nightside table. A bibliotaph (a person who hides or hoards books), a librocubicularist (a person who reads in bed), one who practices tsundonku (a Japanese word for the phenomenon of buying lots of books but never getting around to reading them). Someone, quite possibly, like you.
  • Author: Maguire, Holly
  • Publisher: Workman Publishing
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 01/04/2021
  • ISBN: 9781523510269
  • B-Code: B054835
  • Illustrated: Full colour
  • Pages: 112
  • Dimensions: 152x146mm