This second edition includes stunning artwork, seven brand-new inspirational cards and insightful messages, spell incantations and gemstone/crystal alliances. The straightforward, gentle guidance takes readers through both good times and bad by viewing the 'big picture', and helps the desired message to be sent into the universe. The deck can be used in conjunction with Tarot or other oracles for clarification in readings when messages seem inconclusive or cryptic. A perfect divination deck for Witches and non-Pagans alike, with 45 innovative cards and enhanced guidebook.
  • Author: Brooks, Marla
  • Publisher: Red Feather
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 28/10/2019
  • ISBN: 9780764357831
  • B-Code: B053240
  • Illustrated: Illustrations
  • Pages: 128
  • Dimensions: 133x152mm