If you seek wisdom from strong, creative women, this oracle deck will provide it. In addition to 30 literary heroes such as Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison (as well as lesser-known trailblazers such as Yumiko Kurahashi and Mirabai), the deck features 40 symbol cards bearing illustrations of potent spiritual icons to enhance your reading. A small guidebook acts as an interpreter, helping you find meaning in the cards based on your specific intentions, the writers' dominant traits, and the spiritual symbols at play.
  • Author: Kitaiskaia, Taisia
  • Publisher: Publishers Group UK
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 27/08/2019
  • ISBN: 9781984824714
  • B-Code: B047384
  • Illustrated: colour illustrations
  • Pages: 70
  • Dimensions: 165x127mm