The latest book from the author of Destination Simple and creator of the award-winning Slow Home podcast is part memoir, part practical companion, providing a fascinating insight into the benefits of slowing down. It will inspire you to forget about the Joneses and create a life filled with the things that really matter to you . . . slowly, of course. Based on her own family's experience, Brooke McAlary shares practical tips and rituals that have helped her; from decluttering and de-owning, messiness to mindfulness, from asking why to asking where to now ?
  • Author: McAlary, Brooke
  • Publisher: Atlantic Books
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 03/01/2019
  • ISBN: 9781760296919
  • B-Code: B040501
  • Pages: 264
  • Dimensions: 232x150mm