Behind the polished veneer of Edinburgh’s newest church is there a heart of gold or something evil? Tati thought she was escaping Belarus; she had scraped and saved the $15,000 that she was told she needed to start again. Instead, she walks into a trap. She tries to resist, but her captors made it clear that until she gives the men they send her what they want she will be beaten daily, or left to die. The only hope that she has is a name she has been given “David Hidalgo” – perhaps this man will be her rescuer?
  • Author: Cowan, Les
  • Publisher: Lion Hudson
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 01/06/2018
  • ISBN: 9781782642534
  • B-Code: B036176
  • Pages: 336
  • Dimensions: 198x129mm