Eat delicious seasonal food, balance the body, and heal the gut with simplified, traditional Ayurvedic wisdom and over 100 simple recipes designed to get you cooking in the kitchen. Ditching processed food and learning to eat well at home are the first steps you can take to relieving imbalance and the book removes many of the obstacles by showing how straightforward and accessible preparing your own delicious, seasonal meals can be. Season by season, learn how the changing weather and qualities in your environment both mirror and influence your body and appetite. Includes no-fuss recipes and lifestyle advice on meal planning, self-care regimens, and how to ensure health during the change of seasons.
  • Author: O'Donnell, Kate & Brostrom, Cara
  • Publisher: Publishers Group UK
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 04/01/2016
  • ISBN: 9781611802290
  • B-Code: B034621
  • Illustrated: Colour photos
  • Pages: 276
  • Dimensions: 234x191mm