Robert Wringhim, a boy of strict Calvinist upbringing, is corrupted by a shadowy figure who calls himself Gil-Martin. Under his influence Robert commits a series of murders which he regards as 'justified' by God under the tenets of his faith. Hogg's masterpiece is a brilliant portrayal of the power of evil and a scathing critique of organised religion. Superbly crafted and deftly executed, it resists any easy explanation of events: is this stranger a figment of Robert's imagination, or the devil himself?
  • Author: Hogg, James & Rankin, Ian (intro)
  • Publisher: Canongate Press Ltd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 04/01/2018
  • ISBN: 9781786891860
  • B-Code: B033212
  • Pages: 336
  • Dimensions: 198x129mm