Ah, schadenfreude - German for the joy which comes from seeing egg on someone else’s face. Could anything be better? Well, yes - two things. Being the cause of it, and making ten quid from it. Paul Zenon, world-renowned magician, puts in your hands the power to amuse your friends, undermine your foes and make a public nuisance of yourself - and also fail-safe ways to win at the bar, cards, pool, pub quizzes, and anywhere else there is an opportunity to prosper. Not a lot, but you’ll like it.
  • Author: Zenon, Paul
  • Publisher: Carlton Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 12/07/2018
  • ISBN: 9781787391376
  • B-Code: B035949
  • Illustrated: 50 two-colour images
  • Pages: 176
  • Dimensions: 175x126mm