What's a laddie - or a lassie - to do during the long, hot (ok - warmish) days of a Scottish summer? Oor Wullie's made a list of things to fill his days during the seven glorious weeks of freedom from dreaded school work. Using classic illustrations, Wullie takes you through his bucket list of things to do before it's time to head back to sums, spelling and soggy school dinners. There's something here to amuse and entertain everyone, and to give you a laugh along the way.
  • Author: DC Thomson
  • Publisher: Black and White Publishing
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 01/03/2018
  • ISBN: 9781910230497
  • B-Code: B034383
  • Illustrated: Illustrated
  • Pages: 128
  • Dimensions: 140x115mm