For Alice, clean eating is about developing a healthy relationship with food: everyone can make permanent changes to their body with the right combination of diet and exercise. Give your day a kick-start with crispy courgette fritters with smoked salmon for breakfast, spice your lunch up with Thai-style turkey burgers, and give yourself a post-workout treat with grilled steak with balsamic puy lentils and feta. Eat Well Every Day also includes Alice’s trademark Simple Swaps and a sample week meal planner to help you feel fantastic from the inside out.
  • Author: Liveing, Alice
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 05/01/2017
  • ISBN: 9780008167233
  • B-Code: B028484
  • Pages: 224
  • Dimensions: 230x189mm