The creators of this book have scoured the toilet bowls and sewers of the world to find out how human beings have done their business throughout history. Prepare to be revolted by a fossilized Viking turd uncovered by archaeologists, the catapult used by the Mongols to fling poop at their enemies, and the reason ancient Romans used wee to wash their clothes; learn how diseases like cholera spread through bad sanitation, why some of the earliest toilets tended to explode, and how medieval kings and queens had special helpers to wipe their bums.
  • Author: Meikle, Olivia & Nelson, Katie
  • Publisher: Priddy Books
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 18/03/2024
  • ISBN: 9781838993351
  • B-Code: B071579
  • Illustrated: Illustrations
  • Pages: 48
  • Dimensions: 280x228mm