Swifts live almost entirely in the air. They eat, drink, sleep, mate and gather their nesting materials on the wing; fly thousands of miles across the world; navigate their way around storms; never light on tree, cliff or ground until they return home with the summer. But the swifts are in real danger: often unintentionally, we are sealing our homes against wildlife, leading to a catastrophic loss of breeding places. Thankfully, there are people in the UK and across Europe striving to keep these superb birds screaming through our skies.
  • Author: Gibson, Sarah
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 28/04/2022
  • ISBN: 9780008350666
  • B-Code: B061694
  • Pages: 304
  • Dimensions: 198x129mm